Saturday 31 December 2016

New Year Resolutions

Ten New Year Resolutions you can take to improve your life:

1. Make peace with your past and live in the present

Forget all embarrassing events

Past is past. Forget all embarrassing events in the past year We all have experienced so many uncomfortable situations,insults,troubles etc in the previous year.You are not the only one to have faced these troubles.Every one experienced these troubles. Do not let your past rule your present. Forget every embarrassing scene in life and live happy in the present

Count your blessings

You have already made much progress in your life and career. You are a hero/heroin of your own film of life.Ponder all the achievements you accomplished in the past year and thank god for powering you to do so. Remember all sweet memories you had with your loved ones.Let these memories bring smile in your face.

2. Hope for the bright future

Even though things may not seem good for you, it does not mean you do not have promising future.Hope is the beginning for achievements.Hope takes out inner potential hidden in you.Put your best efforts and start hoping for a promising future.

3. Motivate yourself

The best motivator or counselor ever existed in the world is you yourself. You are the one who perfectly know your strengths and weaknesses.Self motivation is very important when are in difficult and disappointing  situations in life. So, Pat on the back of yourself and start motivating yourself from today on wards.

4. Inculcate forget and forgive attitude 

Relationships are valuable than any thing in the world. Some might have hurt you or insulted you in the past. Every one makes mistakes.No one is perfect.No matter whose mistake it was, just forget and forgive.Forgiveness is the attitude of strong and mature people. I think you are one of them.Start inculcating forget and forgive attitude today and revive your spoiled relationships if any.


 5. Enhance your helping nature

Helping hands are better than praying lips. Helping others is responsibility of every human.Helping others gives real happiness and satisfaction in your life.I hope you already have it that's why I write to enhance it from today 

6. Beat worries and start living happy 

No matter what your life's journey is all about. No matter what troubles you are going through right now, Simply start living happy and don't let worries demoralize you.Worries reduce your productivity and performance.Worry is good for nothing and useless.It generates negative energy in you.So, beat this natural enemy and start living happy.If you understand Hindi,check out this video on Beat worries and live happy.

7. Learn new skills

Life is learning and knowledge is power.Do not stop learning till your last breath.Choose skills or hobbies that you love and start learning it today.You can consider learning a new useful language,Research has shown that learning new language improves brain memory and power. 
Happy learning in the new year.

8. Give up on a bad habit

If you have any bad habit that you want to give up,make commitment today to overcome it.

9. Set Positive approach to life

Vow to always view the glass to be half full. This will help you solve any obstacle you may face in life.You will experience the power of positiveness if you start practicing it from today.

10. Make some sincere commitments

You can make small commitments like 
1. I won't Break traffic rules
2. I won't use mobile phone while driving and crossing roads
3. I won't waste food in restaurants and home
4. I will try to be punctual etc

I will be happy if you take any one of the above resolutions in the auspicious new year.Do comment your new year resolutions here. its gonna be good and fun

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